How Patronising is Your Work?

3 Jul 2008
Fife way up in Scotland
Sorry if this seams like a total waste of time, i need to know how much of a joke other peoples work places are and what kinds of stuff you get made to do.

I have just walked into work to be handed a "Goody Bag" (not a Jade Goody bag) But a bag containing a tin of pop a slice of cake a sweetie and a bag of crisps, This was handed to me by the director.

My question of can we all wear part hats and sing songs went down like a lead balloon.

This is only one of the many sad childish things they do, but the list is too long. how many people here feel they are working in a playgroup and feel like their bosses are extremely patronising

PS, sorry for grammar i have issues with it.
Its not that im a grumpy old fart, but for 3 years they have declared there is no pay rise to happen, then they go buy ridiculous things for everyone, why not stop spending money on **** and put it into the workers,
lunchtime beer = fun
goody bag = waste of time & money

Thank you,

Id sooner be handed something worth while.

People on other projects get roughly £1.00 more an hour for sales, and we sit and do a helpdesk and get basic rate, and probably do far more than half the folk in there, Work directly with Soft eng sysadmin guys and stuff, fart about with scripting and Get cake and sweeties woooo
I think the most important issue here is, was it a decent drink like Coke, or was it a little Panda Pops excuse?
If the latter, I'm with you, complete waste of time.

Its all in german, must have been to Lidl or Aldi

What realy makes it funny is, There is a strict no food or drink alowed at your desks, if you are caught you get instant disciplinary
Haha so the problem isn't that you get cake its the fact that the other guys get cake while you think you can do their job?


I wouldnt for a minute say i could do the jobs of the IT chaps, they work extremely hard and get a pittance of a pay,

Just its one extreme to the next.

The possition my group is in we doso much more with systems and testing than the people that are paid to do systems testing, who have he same qualifications as us and still get more money and more opertunitys.
If you are just as good as they are, but you get paid less.. why not leave and find a job where you get paid more?

People who constantly moan about their jobs, but doing nothing about it deserve to be stuck in dead end jobs.

Im generaly trying to, but around here there is nothing, im at the stage where i would take just about anything to get out.

Im trying for RAF later on in the year need to get fit tho no point trying before then
Ok if cake isnt bad enough for you, the Director just turned round and said " could someone hlp that little girl" that little girl is about the same age as her.

God they wind me up, theres so clearly a devide between the lower ranked people in here and the higher
I asked for some instructor led developer training and was given a 2 page magazine article that taught 8 year old kids how to code simple javascript games, it wasn't a joke either, totally serious.

Left the job after that, now work somewhere much better and got the training i wanted.

We have an academy here that are designed for all kinds of training that are required,

Last week i was asked would you do Train the Trainer, so i asked WTF is that, it is exactly that where someone trains the training department so they can train others. a proper head in hands moment.

Only training i got was from another person doing the same job as me and they wonder why there is problems.

On the whole the only ones that know whats going on or how to do stuff right is the people on the floor, Team Leaders above are just a joke, If i was a TL here i wouldnt admit it
That was just what I was thinking, one beside a retail park?

I worked in a call centre for years, and got bonuses, pay rises, random pizza and days when they'd have a buffet because we'd done well. Sure, it's nice to get a pay rise, but that didn't raise morale within the office and didn't make people think it was a good environment to work in.

Call centres can be extremely depressing if you don't get away from the phones, so even something to get you away for 5 mins can make a huge difference. It can also be difficult to arrange something like a pub lunch, as call centre staff can't just take a long lunch if they want, not to mention everyone getting breaks at different times.

If you're where I think you are, it's not just a call centre as part of a bigger office, you are in the minority not being on the phones. With that in mind, it really doesn't surprise me that everyone is treated the same way as staff on the phones. If it really bothers you, then take it up properly at a team meeting rather than being sarcastic.

As for sales staff being paid more, why don't you try their job for a couple of weeks and see if you still think you deserve more? It's a really horrible job, you're constantly under pressure to hit targets and never get a moment to relax. Having worked in an outbound sales call centre, I'd rather be paid less than go back to that.

Yes im at The hell hole you all talk about, to be honest it was just/is a stop gap, but when i went there we didnt have such a bad recesion and jobs around here are like rocking horse poo.

I do enjoy my work on what i do, because i dont deal with customers but Outsourcers, They used to have the Setanta sports contract and lost it, but because they created the CRM for it they wont sell it as it is constant revenue, i enjoy what i do if i was left alone to do it, Generaly get to do lots of different things like setting up stuff and maintaining it. i would far rather be doing something in IT but dont have the qualifications and theres never any opertunitys.

Its that bad i had an operations manager ask if i would insert something to an SQL script, my point was im not paid to play with that kinda stuff and if i do it wrong im the one getting shot for it.

There's only 4 of us full time that work on it and this week they keep puting 3/4 people onto other projects because they are to busy, and then asking me to cover 2 projects single handedly

I do enjoy what m doing at times, but do have a drive to go on and get IT Qualifications but unfortunatley debts dictate that this isnt possible just now
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we had a fun day for charity, if it wasnt for the fact that us workers were forced to go no one would have turned up.

I dont mind doing stuff for charity, but in here its like every friday there collecting for something else, and fridays are dress down days but then charge you a quid to do it, a quids a quid i can easily spend it on a damn site wore but it just feels they are constantly walking around with their hands out, trying to look great to everyones,
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