how portable is linux?

22 Mar 2009
hi, im just wondering, how portable is linux, or more importantly mint 10 debian?
i have it installed on an external hard drive, so im thinking, can i plug it into any computer and it will just work, or is it like windows and configures itself to a system and doesnt like to play when moved to something different?
ok thats kool. i know live cds are portable, but i have vista live dvds and they work on 99% of things, but i can guarantee if i take a hdd out of a vista pc and stick it in a completly different setup, it would BSOD on me.
i like the live cd/pendrive and it has its uses, but a fully install OS with all the software i want (i know you can streamline these into live cds) and being able to just plug it into any pc and it running would be ideal.
1. Portable means something else, stop saying that.

Web definitions

A portable application (portable app) is a computer software program that is able to run independently without the need to install files to the system it is run upon. They are commonly used on a removable storage device such as a CD, USB flash drive, flash card, or floppy disk. ...

Portable software refers to a type of software that can be used on more than one hardware platform, and easily switched from one to another.

does this not indicate, that by definition, i did mean portable?
Which context? :confused:

From the OP's post and several replies, the context is perfectly clear.

Moving an installation from the x86 machine it was installed on.. to another x86 machine.

I'm pretty sure the OP wasn't thinking of other architectures when he composed his post. :p

exactly, i wanted to know, if my existing install on an external drive would be able to be taken around with me and plugged into any/most pc and work.
that way i can install it with all the apps i think would be useful and always have them where ever i go.
Oh yeah I get that, i was meaning bigglespips interpretation of context, I had already posted a sort-of useful response within the OPs context earlier on and was just trying to explain what bigglespip was meaning :D

you have been very helpful to me, and have given me some advice that has really got me going :) infact, im pretty sure it was you that convinced me to just install linux and have a play rather than worrying about what it can and cant do and whether i can use it or not.
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