How safe is upping voltage

27 Oct 2005
1st of all ive read the sticky/faq about ddr on top of page but didnt find my awnser...

I have kinda cheap RAM wich cant do much more as 20 mhz oc ( ddr-2 533mhz it is cas4) but i've been woundering about overvolting them, im familiar with ocing and stuff but i dont knwo how safe it is to raise voltage of my ddr-2 to 1.9 from 1.8 or something.
I have a 1 gig module wich shows both a Nanya and a Elixir sticker on it , it says elixir on the chips but says nanya in programs liek cpu-z, everest, etc...
Would it be safe to raise votlage to 1.9? My cpu is runnign @ 4 ghz atm (a p4 630) but i want to keep fsb:ram @ 1:1, the chip did 4.4 ghz when i lowered fsb to dram ratio so i know its the RAM that is limiting me, but im afraid (unlike on cpu) to raise voltage, how big is the risk of raising voltage?

Thanks in advance...
snowdog said:
yes but thats RAM from good brands, unsure bout cheap RAM

There's no reason it should tolerate voltage any less well, you'll be fine at 1.9V :) All memory chips have something like +-5% voltage tolerance at the least.
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