How Should I Go About This?

10 Dec 2003
On my street, a Chinese family lives about two doors away and they seem to be really quiet. Probably nervous due to the language barrier.

Anyway, as I'm interested in languages and love learning them, I thought that maybe approaching this family and asking for help in return for my help with their English.

The thing is, going to someones house and just saying/offering something like that has to be very strange. :p I'm not sure how exactly, if at all, I would approach them and make such a comment or request, as I don't want to be jumping to conclusions.

So how do I go about it? If at all? :p

Nice idea Raymond! :)

I can't just turn up and introduce myself, considering the purpose of me doing so.

Some English n00b said:
Hi there, I'm Phil. I want to be really cheeky and ask you to teach me Mandarin. K thx bye.


Mohinder said:
When I was at Sic's he said that to his brother and he didn't even realise what a loser he was til after he'd said it.

When he was at my house, he got undressed in front of me ;).

On second thoughts, that isn't such a good thing! :eek: :p

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