How to assign IPs with Linksys WAG160N?

22 Jun 2004
Bangkok, Thailand (formally London)
Howdy All,

Hoping someone know this, cos I kinda need it.

I have bout 7 devices that connect to my network at home, I've always used Netgear routers, and they had a LAN IP Setup option, where you could assign specific IP addresses to MAC addresses on your network, so if my Win2003 server connects to the router I would always assign it to

However, I cannot see a similar option in the WAG160N options? Does it have a similar option?

There is an option on the initial page that has 3 sets of textfields (to enter a IP) called Static DNS 1, Static DNS 2 and Static DNS3, and the help manual says:

Static DNS (Domain Name Server) 1-3

Every time a computer reboots, it is assigned a new local IP address by the device. If you want a computer to be assigned the same IP address every time it reboots, then enter the Static DNS IP address.

This sounds like what I want, but it don't make sense, if I enter a IP address in the 3 sets of boxes, how does the router know what device I want that IP assigned to? If there where four sets of Static DNS box I may think it would mean assign that box 1 ip to whatever is in ethernet port 1 and so on, but that still wouldn't work for multiple devices on a switch... not to mention the wireless.

Now I need to setup a lot of devices on my network to have specific IP addresses cos I have external DNS looking at these, and I have told the devices themselves to assign that ip when it connects, but if the device isnt connected and I have something else that the router has automatically assigned that ip, im gonna get conflicts when that server boots?

Anyone know what I can do here? Its quite important for me this!


Steve M
22 Jun 2004
Bangkok, Thailand (formally London)
Cheers dist, I actually worked that exact method out shortly after I posted this. Its not ideal, as I'd rather have all the IP addresses setup on the router instead of the devices themself, but this router appears to have neglected this option it its configurator, so I'm lumbered with doing it that way I suppose.

I hear other linksys models do have this option though, so why it was omitted from this model is anyone's guess.

What I mean't by DNS is I have external domain names (sub-domains to be exact) pointing to my local servers for my local websites, so I have an external domain name pointing to for example, obviously that server needs to remian .4 otherwise it won't work.

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