How to be a successful Boy Racer

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17 Oct 2002
Storm into Tesco car park at 30mph at 6am, loud music blaring. Park in Diabled Bay. Exit car and ensure you get the attention you so desperately seek by posing at car door. Nip into Tesco and buy fags. Bomb around Tesco car park at 30/40mph seeking attention once more. Exit car park.

I hate these attention seekers. Luckily Swansea is having a clampdown on the Boy Racers.
Boy racers in Swansea, or elsewhere, are a menace and a danger. They kill, maim and frighten people of all ages all in the name of vanity and ego. I'm glad the police have listened to the public and decided and clamp down on the posers. Regardless of the time of day had I not moved sharply to one side when pushing the trolley my life could well have been in danger. There's no excuse for this sort of behaviour in a supermarket car park. There were a large number of cars parked there at the time.
Are you a Boy Racer, someone who poses and seeks attention from passers by, or are you a car enthusiast? If an enthusiast then why take exception to a complaint? 'Tis not my fault boy racers have given themselves a bad name, especially in my area and I have a right to complain when a boy racer whizzes through a supermarket car park at 30mph simply attention seeking, don't you think? It may have been 6am but there were 40-50 cars parked there by early morning shoppers and someone could have been killed. Not injured, killed. Would you all be protecting your boy racer image if someone had been killed, I wonder? Or if I had had my leg decapitated by a poser?

Don't shout at me and accuse me of destroying your precious image, blame the posers that give you a bad name. It's human nature to tar everyone with the same brush, even if just a minority act like attention seeking, frustrated teenagers. I understand taking exception to being branded the same as the looneys, but that's the price you pay when others give you a bad name. Blame them, not me.

Blaring music emanating from a car on the highway is nothing more than attention seeking and is a nuisance to pedestrians and road users. So, too, is a needless loud exhaust. Why have a loud exhaust when there isn't a need? To seek attention. That's not modding, that's annoyance. I've seen many a young child and mother frightened and walk away from the kerb when a loud exhaust comes screaming past, and I've even seen some kids crying in fear as a result. I wouldn't be surprised if the noise level is also illegal. The discos they have in their cars - with the windows wound down to attract passers by - is certainly illegal and causes noise pollution.

Car thieves don't go around touting a banner saying "This car is stolen". The police have no way of knowing a car is stolen or not, they have a difficult job to do in catching them. Those who use built up areas as a racing track, as is the case in Swansea, need to be stopped, before someone is killed. Boy racers have given themselves a very bad name here, are a nuisance and danger to the public. Blame them for giving you a bad name, not me. Even the local newspaper is condemning them.
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