Well, I said I'd make a picture diary of my progress.
And here it is for all your viewing pleasure. Neither the webpage nor the stove are completed yet, but they are both on thier way.
Man, I hate using Microsoft Publisher for making webpages. It adds SO much extra crap in there!! But I was lazy enough to not want to hard code it in HTML this late at night.
The next update I do will be in straight HTML so it won't take forever to load like this one does......
And here it is for all your viewing pleasure. Neither the webpage nor the stove are completed yet, but they are both on thier way.
Man, I hate using Microsoft Publisher for making webpages. It adds SO much extra crap in there!! But I was lazy enough to not want to hard code it in HTML this late at night.
The next update I do will be in straight HTML so it won't take forever to load like this one does......