How to build up muscle?

16 Dec 2005
Hey guys,
I'm only 15 and am looking to gain some muscle :p I have heard that doing weight lifting stumps your growth, so I'm worried about doing that. I also can't do many press ups and would like to know how to gain more :( Or is there any other useful workouts you can do to gain muscle
But I don't really want to make a full daily workout of different body parts, I mjust want the bicep/tricep/chest being done, because I just want to get a bit built in the arms. Also, if I use my dumbells to weight lift, will it stump my growth?
A.N.Other said:
I think that might be pushing it a bit far tbh for someone just starting out - remember he's 15!

I really can't see some light/moderate work with weights having any negative impact on your growth at all. Take it steadily and just keep on going until you can do the same more easily, when you move onto slightly harder things / more of the same thing.

aye, I'm only doing 4kg at the mo, so it's not really pushing my body that much.
GordyR said:
To get larger arms you need to put weight on all over your body. You can't just do hundreds of bicep curls and expect your arms to get huge.

Absolutely not. The whole growth stunting thing is an age old myth.

I'm not really looking for huge arms, more for strength, but it's pretty much the same for both, right? :p
btw guys,
Is there anything I can use to increase the strength in my wrists? Theres something thats always been odd with my wrists and they kill after I do weights/if I lift heavy objects.
Mr_White said:
Not at all, if he does it in sets he can cope with any time throughout the day, he'll notice a difference.

A young lad should be able to cope with at least 10 a set.

I can do 10 press ups quite easily at a time. So what you're trying to say is do 10 press ups at 10 different times throughout the day?
So Gordy, what kind of workouts would you reccomend I do every day? I don't want to do too many and I don't have tons of time, so is it possible to have only a few, simple exercises to not gain tons of muscle, but enough ;) :p
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