How to buy planes in world of warplanes? Help?

21 Apr 2016
Oh Canada!
Is there a way for me to buy planes in world of warplanes without paying actual cash for gold? I'd rather keep it F2P. I am earning silver or something but not gold. How do I get the gold?
If it's anything like World of Tanks or World of Warships it should work like this:

Battles will earn you Silver, XP and 'Free' XP.

Silver is used to buy vehicles, repair vehicles, any new modules you unlock for them things like that.

XP is used to unlock vehicles and upgrade modules for purchase, if you're on Vehicle A and want to get to the next one in the tech tree you'll need to play Vehicle A to get XP and unlock vehicle B.

Gold is a for real money currency which you can use to progress faster by converting the 'free' xp into normal XP to spend. You can also buy premium vehicles which should in theory earn more of everything but isn't advisable for new players to look at until they have more time in the games. You can also buy premium time which will mean you earn more xp, silver, free xp. You shouldn't need to buy any of this if you don't want to, it will just take longer to progress.

Again I don't know what Warplanes is like compared to the other two but usually once you get to the higher tiers repair costs mean having premium account makes it easier in that you're earning more silver so have less chance of losing silver if you die in a battle.

If you need more detail it's probably best to check the official forums, reddit or a youtube guide as I don't think this game has a huge following compared to the other two titles.
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The above is broadly right.

All WG games have a 'Free-2-Play' style with micro transactions / Premium shop.

Long story short - You can't get Premium account / Premium Planes or Gold without handing over real money - Normally

If there is a special or a marathon event with the end reward being a 'Premium Plane name' or x number of days perm for completing this wekkends/weeks/months special

If you played it along side World of Tanks / Warships then you would share the Premium account time. And I know that on WoT you do get free prem days for completing missions from the personal missions etc.

Hope this helps
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