How to charge two electric toothbrushes

31 Oct 2002
Newcastle upon Tyne
Is it possible to do this in the bathroom via a twin electric razor socket? All sockets that I can find seem to be 115/230V, why is this? Is it not possible to have twin 230V versions?
There's no technical reason why you couldn't have a dual 230V outlet. You'd just need a socket with the correct transformer(s). If they don't exist it'll be lack of demand.

I'd ask why would you need to charge both at once, and in the bathroom? Once charged they last for ages so there's no reason to need to be charging two at once. They're not the sort of device that needs to be left permanently on charge.

Those sockets date back to the time when razors were powered directly from the mains. With modern battery powered devices they're (IMO) fairly pointless.
Two people with two electric toothbrushes is the simple answer. It's not that I want to keep both on charge 24/7 but I also don't want to have to mess around with unplugging mine and plugging my partner's in every few days. Surely nowadays there's a requirement for this, there must even be houses where mum, dad and the kids all have electric toothbrushes?
Is it possible to do this in the bathroom via a twin electric razor socket? All sockets that I can find seem to be 115/230V, why is this? Is it not possible to have twin 230V versions?
I had the same thing with my bathroom and the conclusion was that nobody makes them because they'd need two separate isolating transformers, which would make them big and expensive.

The option I had was two single sockets, but the wiring was complicated and it would have looked a mess, so I settled for one dual voltage socket and just had two toothbrushes sharing a single charger.

I know what you mean though and I'm sort of surprised there's no clever solution yet.

Shaver splitter might do it though (if they exist?!).
We have two toothbrushes but share one (with interchangeable heads) at a time, so there's always one in the bedroom charging and one in the bathroom in use.
A bit tacky but i do this as i have a similar issue (except i charge an electric shaver, a beard shaver/trimmer thing, and a toothbrush)

The pins on my items seem to fit OK, you have to be a forceful but its not like i ever unplug them :p

Tehnically the splitter is a bad idea due to the following reasons:

A) The reason Jez has to force it in is becuase its a C7 europlug, not a UK shaver plug, the dimensions are slightly different and could lead to damage to the socket
B) The secondary winding on the isolation trasnformer is probably only sized for the load of one shaver or toothbrush.
C) We are, with shaver outlets relying on a concept known as 'protection by electrical separation' (basically an isolation transformer is used so that the supply is not referenced to earth). Now this is pretty simple to impliment for a single piece of equipment, but there are a number of other considerations for the same source to supply multiple piece of equipment as as such arrangments would not be permitted in a household environment. The 110v/220v shaver points would have multiple secondary windings, so each one only supplies a single piece of equipment
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