How to charge?

19 Jul 2006
Hi guys,

Well basically I need some advice on what to charge clients for creating websites for them.

Im an IT Technician / freelance web designer.I've created several websites for clients but I'm now starting to get requests for corporate businesses and what I really want to know is what is the best way to charge them for a website?

Is it best to go by page created? or by hour spent? or a mixture of the two? is there some sort of general rule for this kinda stuff? I'd just like to go into meetings and be able to give them a straightforward answer on what how I'll basically be charging them for the site.

Any advice appreciated.
a fixed price quote will be best, work it out using an hourly / daily rate that you want to earn. Make sure you specify time scales and when they will get to review the work. I loike to give customers a limited set of reviews to prevent them CONTINUALLY coming back with changes (which they will). offer them a rate for ongoing work

happytechie said:
to prevent them CONTINUALLY coming back with changes (which they will).

This is probably be the best piece of advice that you get. Make sure that they have their expectations managed, as well as a good idea of what they want, before you start.

Otherwise they will come along later on and say "can we just change this a bit". Unfortunately a lot of "just change this" turns into changing quite a lot. And people don't seem to realise this, especially when it's in a field they know nothing about.
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