How to compress a Powerpoint presentation?

1 Sep 2005
Scottish Highlands
Ive had a member of staff come to me, who wants a powerpoint presentation uploaded to our intranet, but its too big for her space. Its currently 66mb but only 18 slides long. Ive recompressed any pictures that are in the presentation which has nocked a whole 1mb off, lol. Im guessing most of the size is due to the slide design. Is there anyway to recompress or redesign the slide design?
Ive tried compressing the pictures, but this hardly makes a difference. I'd rather not save it as a pdf or zip it, as it may be used by quite a few computer illiterate users, so i'd rahter keep it in a format they know. Also, the project has quite a few animated text object, which would not be preserved in .pdf format. Would the animations add much to the file size?
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