How to create a user login and profile system

20 Sep 2003
Here is another thread from me.....

I have an idea for a site, basically it would allow the user to register, record a short video and upload it to a user profile page. I would like to create this from scratch as I want to be in full control of the site and at the same time learn as I go.

So my question in this thread is to ask how best to learn how to create a simple user login system that creates a profile for that user, I suppose like a very basic Facebook. It would let me learn the principles of mySQL and PHP.

If you have any good resources, books, links to YouTube etc would be much appreciated.

Thanks for the link

Whats wrong with saying "a basic FaceBook" as that is the best way to describe it, a very very basic sign up/login and you have a profile with a video on it (that you recorded during the signing up phase).
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