How to deal with a crunchy knee at gym?

5 Aug 2006
Hey all.

From the age of 25 (now 27) my left knee has been crunching. It has bad months, then can be fine for a month!
The Doctor said it is either lose cartilidge or early arthiritis, neither of which warrant anything to be done from a medical point of view. He recommended Ibuprofen, which I have not taken as I am currently suffering from heartburn quite badly.

If I do legs at the gym my knee is fine*, but if I go at it then my left knee will go crunchy the next week. it sounds horrible walking up the stairs!

*Sometimes get random sharp pains, but this tends to be when knee is at a funny angle.

Anything you gym goers find helps?
KT Tape? A kneee brace? Strapping knees?

I'm a keen gym goer and put in a good effort, but I don't take it too seriously.
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