How to fix eerie wind noise from case fan

20 Oct 2005
Hi guys,

Weird question but this is bugging me. I've got two Corsair static pressure fans mounted at the bottom of my case and they are producing a really eerie wind noise. From what I've found it's caused by the width of the grills in the case. From experimenting placing the fans under a push configuration or moving the fans 2cm away from the grill fixes the problem. However, none of these are real solutions as they can't be mounted in this way.

Would a different fan type such as a airflow fan or maglev fan solve this issue?

I also have one of these fans vertically mounted at the rear of the case in a push configuration and it doesn't have the same issue, so seems to be the placement and grill type that's doing it.

The noise is not from the fan but the airflow through the grilles.

You could turn the fans down until the airflow stops making creepy noises or cut out the offending grille so there's nothing to make funny noises through.
...moving the fans 2cm away from the grill fixes the problem. However, none of these are real solutions as they can't be mounted in this way...
If there's space for the fans 2cm away then they can be mounted like that. I've done it before by taking another fan of the same size and cutting out the actual fan, leaving only the frame. The empty frame can then be used as a spacer for mounting the other fan.
If there's space for the fans 2cm away then they can be mounted like that. I've done it before by taking another fan of the same size and cutting out the actual fan, leaving only the frame. The empty frame can then be used as a spacer for mounting the other fan.

That's a good idea thanks ill try that
You can get Fan shrouds that lift the fans away from the grill too, used to be used in watercooling for when you want to get rid of dead space in airflow on the radiators
Hi guys,

Weird question but this is bugging me. I've got two Corsair static pressure fans mounted at the bottom of my case and they are producing a really eerie wind noise. From what I've found it's caused by the width of the grills in the case. From experimenting placing the fans under a push configuration or moving the fans 2cm away from the grill fixes the problem. However, none of these are real solutions as they can't be mounted in this way.

Would a different fan type such as a airflow fan or maglev fan solve this issue?

I also have one of these fans vertically mounted at the rear of the case in a push configuration and it doesn't have the same issue, so seems to be the placement and grill type that's doing it.


Fans are designed to work better in push mode than pull mode. They always make more noise in pull mode. It's down to the closeness of the grill. Many moons ago I would cure it by taking apart old fans and just using the fan body as a 25mm spacer! You can buy something now, just search for fan shroud. The thicker the better.
If there's space for the fans 2cm away then they can be mounted like that. I've done it before by taking another fan of the same size and cutting out the actual fan, leaving only the frame. The empty frame can then be used as a spacer for mounting the other fan.

I did that too for a custom AIO sadly the pictures have long gone from the forum double fans with no inners
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