How to fix IE blocked content for flash?

16 Dec 2003
As the title says, is there an XHTML valid solution that forces IE to show a flash object within lines of XHTML coding without having the user to click on show blocked content in IE?

Please let me know if there is such a thing, thanks :)
I've tried this solution but unfortunately it doesn't work for me :confused:

Below is the code I have currently:

<param name="movie" value="..url../flash.swf" />
<param name="loop" value="false" />
<param name="menu" value="false" />
<param name="quality" value="high" />
<script type="text/javascript" src="ieupdate.js"></script>
What am I doing wrong? :(
It is indeed :(

The flash object was done by a friend of mine which I would like to implement it within my own XHTML coding. There's an odd thing which is that when my friend uses a XHTML template consisting of HTML, head, body and object tags and hosts it on his webspace, the blocked content message doesn't appear. But! If I save the .html file and the flash file, the blocked content message appears :confused:

I was actually leeching the file off his webspace so I decided to host it myself and then the blocked content message disappeared but this doesn't explain why it still does it when I have the files stored on my HDD and open it from there? :confused:
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