How to format harddrive using Mint Live CD

7 Nov 2006
Hello , my macbook is playing up and wont let me boot. So i was wondering if its possible to use my Linux Mint 10 Live CD to format the hard drive. If so how do i do it?

not sure, would be interesting to find out... can you boot it? hmmmm but then again linux mint won't support Mac partitions, so I don't think so. why not just use your OS-X or Mac OS something... disk to get it going? ... or give them a call, your local mac that is, they might fix it for you for cheap
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Use a program called gParted... amazed it didn't come up on a Google really, it's installed on the LiveCD by default but not after it's installed since they don't want you formatting the drive it's on. Still, it's an amazing open source app, by far and away the best and fastest hard drive management tool.
while [ 1 ]; do dd if=/dev/frandom of=/dev/sda bs=1M; echo -n "."; done

Let a few dots appear then change the temperature of the drive. Give it some hot, normal and cold cycles. This will put your "gentleman's special interest literature" beyond the reach of any technology.

Edit: Have I misunderstood the question?
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