How to get a free chicken nugget.

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13 Nov 2006
Don't spread this :)

At Morrisons for example they have two options.

5 nuggets for £1
10 nuggets for £1.70 or somet.

Ask the checkout person for 6 chicken nuggets. You might get "Don't ya mean 5 nuggets", but the 6 will be in there head when they are counting.

I've done this twice now. I think a third time would be pushing my luck. Will be interesting to see how many of you get 6. Think of it as a psychology test and the power of suggestion.
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On the self service checkouts you can bring a steak to the checkout but instead of scanning it, you just weigh it and say its potatoes or something equally cheap.

Cheap steak!

*I'm not saying i've done this though. :o

**Well not with a steak.

Also works with Salad trays. They don't weigh them because the potential weight range is to big. You could fill a large one with not much or pack the stuffing out of a small tray.

Just select Small Tray on self checkout.
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[TW]Fox;17462337 said:
Alternatively why not just steal it, its the same thing but misses out the hassle with the checkout?


Yup, my mate showed me, I felt like a criminal just watching him scan a large salad tray in as small. I said "What the frick are you doin !!".
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Come on 7 nuggets for 5, you are dreaming lad. No checkout person will fall for that. Thats as silly as asking for 200 chicken nuggets. You gotta think small. There not that stupid !!
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