How to get a shine back on my exhaust?

18 Oct 2002
Failure to clean it properly when washing has resulted in my exhaust being very nasty looking.

I have a Magnex 4" back box, and has a pretty big cylinder....

I need to clean just inside the end bit, and surrounding area?

What products do I need to get that shine back?

Hi there

Really easy!!

Ask your parents/girlfriend for some brasso they should have some. Put some on a cloth and go rub it in and put plenty of elbow into it and it will shine great again. :)

To protect it and get an even better shine you need some of this:-
Meguiars NXT All Metal Polish

Its great stuff and brings of crap with ease and gives a real good shine. :)
No, if its on plastic it will pull the chrome off as its slightly abrasive.

Use just the Autoglym metal polish / show 'n' shine or that Megs stuff
Pah, best thing to use on exhausts to bring up the shine is Tcut!

I thought this was a joke, but when I was on a visit to Ashley Exhausts, that's exactly what they use on them before they're wrapped up for selling!
Autosol or Peek, then give a quick polish afterwards.

Problem with T-Cut is it take a lot of elbow grease, Autosol is more abrasive so cuts into the carbon deposits etc.
Tinders said:
Would wonderwheels be ok on and exhaust?
I tried it on my Stainless Powerflow exhaust (had a Scorpion tailpipe) on my old Sierra ages ago. It took pretty much all the dirt off, although it was still a little discoloured due to the heat from the exhaust gases. Not much can be done about that unfortunately. It still came up nice though compared to how it was before though.
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