I get the following error on a NAT test
Testing port 12345 ...
NAT Error - Connection to 106.334.555.666:49999 (your computer) refused.
i tried this
and have opened the port in my router
i tried the firewall configeration utility but Azeurus wasn't one of the presets - if i use the advanced settings it needs an IP address - is this just the ip address of the PC that i can get running ifconfig?
EDIT: for info transmission works just fine - not sure why that is and azeurus doesn't
Testing port 12345 ...
NAT Error - Connection to 106.334.555.666:49999 (your computer) refused.
i tried this
Port Forwarding on Linux, specifically Ubuntu
Firstly the earlier notes on port forwarding for your router apply as before. Computers running Ubuntu, by default, come with all the ports locked down and you need to open the ports in ubuntu by using the iptables command. Other flavours of linux behave similarly
The commands below can be entered in a root terminal session to open the ports (TCP and UDP)
iptables -I INPUT -p tcp --dport 49999 -j ACCEPT
iptables -I INPUT -p udp --dport 49999 -j ACCEPT
<your_port_number> is the port number you have used for port forwarding (Avoid 6881-6999, any from 49125-65535 is fine)
Once you've established the port is open you need to make the change persist through a reboot; edit file /etc/rc.local and add the lines below:
sleep 220
/sbin/iptables -I INPUT -p tcp --dport 49999 -j ACCEPT
/sbin/iptables -I INPUT -p udp --dport 49999 -j ACCEPT
The sleep 220 # is there to make the script wait a few minutes to allow subsequent firewall configuration scripts to run. 220 seconds is a large value and you may choose to configure a lower value. The key is that the opening of the Vuze port is not countermanded by the firewall initialisation which runs later.
# i used 60 and put the commands after the EXIT 0 command that was already in the file
Firstly the earlier notes on port forwarding for your router apply as before. Computers running Ubuntu, by default, come with all the ports locked down and you need to open the ports in ubuntu by using the iptables command. Other flavours of linux behave similarly
The commands below can be entered in a root terminal session to open the ports (TCP and UDP)
iptables -I INPUT -p tcp --dport 49999 -j ACCEPT
iptables -I INPUT -p udp --dport 49999 -j ACCEPT
<your_port_number> is the port number you have used for port forwarding (Avoid 6881-6999, any from 49125-65535 is fine)
Once you've established the port is open you need to make the change persist through a reboot; edit file /etc/rc.local and add the lines below:
sleep 220
/sbin/iptables -I INPUT -p tcp --dport 49999 -j ACCEPT
/sbin/iptables -I INPUT -p udp --dport 49999 -j ACCEPT
The sleep 220 # is there to make the script wait a few minutes to allow subsequent firewall configuration scripts to run. 220 seconds is a large value and you may choose to configure a lower value. The key is that the opening of the Vuze port is not countermanded by the firewall initialisation which runs later.
# i used 60 and put the commands after the EXIT 0 command that was already in the file
and have opened the port in my router
i tried the firewall configeration utility but Azeurus wasn't one of the presets - if i use the advanced settings it needs an IP address - is this just the ip address of the PC that i can get running ifconfig?
EDIT: for info transmission works just fine - not sure why that is and azeurus doesn't
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