how to get linx onto a usb stick

28 Aug 2013
hello ive downloaded linx os onto my computer and im trying to use rufus to get it onto a usb stick, just cant seem to get rufus to recognise the file, ive got the linx files in a folder just doesnt seem to want to work (rufus)
can anybody help please
thank you
Rufus should recognise the ISO fine. It might throw up a warning about needing to download a few files, because the Linux distro is using something more modern (something to do with syslinux I think [been a while since I used it on Windows]), but let it do it's thing, it'll download the files and then carry on with the writing to USB.

Windows 10 doesn't and won't run live from USB, only provide a bootable USB for installation. But you should be able to access Windows files and folders from a live Linux environment. YUMI will let you install multiple flavours of live Linux distros on a single USB.
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