How to get multiple signatures for one shared Email

29 Oct 2002
Hi there,

We have a general email address on our website but I have been asked to make a change to the signatures (setup through Microsoft 365>Exchange>Mail Flows) so that it will change depending on which sales assistant is actually creating, or replying to, emails from this mailbox. To make things more complex any signature shown relating to this shared email needs to be different to the Sales Assistants personal email signature as the company wishes it to be treated as a separate entity.

E.g. Sales Assistant 'A' Works for Company 'Microsoft' but composes email for shared mailbox for 'Google'. This message ignores Assistant A's usual Microsoft Signature and replaces it with Assistant A's Google Signature. It's just the signature that alters with their name shown.

Then Sales Assistant 'B', who also also works for Microsoft composes another mail using the Google shared mailbox and this time their name is shown on the google signature.

The same logic would apply to Sales Assistant 'C' who works for 'Google' but, when replying to messages sent to a different shared mailbox, would show a Microsoft signature...all the while their actual email never changes.

Can anyone offer what rules I might put in place or let me know if any user can select multiple signatures perhaps?

How to large organisations handle this?

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How are signatures handled currently? Is it through the usual mailflow rule that appends a 'disclaimer' to outgoing mail?
You might be able to add a sender condition to the mailflow rule although if that did work you will need one for each assistant and then a default on top.

To be honest, MS365 features for email signatures is woeful at best which is why most opt for a third-party service like Exclaimer or CodeTwo etc.


Thanks for your reply. Yes exactly via Microsoft 365>Exchange>Mail Flows then adding a new rule > appended disclaimer.

I was looking at all the rule conditions but couldn't see one that fits (essentially i cant see which condition a signature change could key off other than which email address is sending but, since that is always the same I can't see how it can help - I'm not sure how to setup a default with a change based on a sender condition - is there a guide you know of?

I was looking at CodeTwo just in case I draw a blank.
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Thanks to you both - at the very least I can stop banging my head against this brick wall and shall look into 3rd parties so longas the client is willing to subscribe.

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