how to get rid of a mouth ulser?

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I suffer with mouth ulcers quite a lot. I'm yet to discover anything that can get rid of one. But Bonjela helps for a couple of hours and salty water ensures it's clean if you can stand the pain.
Nuke from orbit
Kill with fire
Punch in ovaries

All those methods are endorsed by Dr. Nick...

Alternatively salt water and some gel stuff you get (can't remember what it is called)
I think the stuff i used a lot years ago was called Adcortyl in Orabase, its absolutly awsome stuff with ulcers going after 2-3 days. Ask at the chemist and check the product i named is correct tho.
Bonjella! (sp?)

Tastes soo nice...though I'm sure you aren't meant to eat it...

Its what I've always used when I tooth ache or ulcers.

If you get them frequently, I'd see a doctor :)
I used to get a bit of salt on my finger and rub it in!!! pain is eminence for a few minutes but it numbs out after a bit and you cant feel it

only real men do this :p
Wait it out, be a man - it will take up to a week to heal.

I would say put salt on it or gargle with salty water, but I think salt also kills good cells as well as promote the good ones.

Bonjella to take away the pain for a couple of hours, then let it heal itself.

BB x
First of all, medical advice isn't really allowed on the forums, but perhaps this is seen as a minor enough complaint.

If you get them especially regularly or they're a general problem then you should have course see a doctor.

The best thing for them though is probably adcortyl in orabase - I've seen it described as fairly magical stuff .I'm fairly sure it's a P medicine (you'll need to ask for it in a chemist). It's certainly much more effective than Bonjela (which mostly just soothes the pain)

Incidentally, going to a pharmacist is always a good idea for minor issues like this - they will know what they're talking about, and recommend something if it's suitable or refer you to a doctor if it seems serious.
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