how to get this effect

2 Jul 2004
East Midlands
Hey Guys,
Been browsing the internet looking for some inspirational photos and came across this and thought it looked pretty good. I was just curious as to how the photographer got this effect with the cars, i assume he left the shutter open quite a long time and a small apature?? Has anyone here tried a photo like this?


cyKey said:
Its very easy to do. Smallest aperture (f/22 or so), long exposure. Job done.

as cyKey said.

If you set the shutter speed to somthing slow, depending on the situation you'll need to play about with how long for. Somthing like half a second upwards. (seconds show like this: ' 2.5" ') have a play and see what you think. :)
I started off just doing it by the side of the road, at least there you can gauge the idea of how the camera behaves with the different settings.

From here, you can the progress up to a situation where there are lots of lights, some stationary and some moving. I found it hard to get it just right where the moving lights had trails, but the stationary lights weren't over exposed and came up as just a sploge of light with no detail etc.

Let us know how you get on though! Good luck!
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