How to Give Away a Fortune

14 Jun 2004

An Austrian heiress recruited fifty people from all walks of life to redistribute twenty-five million euros—if they could agree on how to spend it.

In January, Erna was having a coffee in her living room in Vienna when she opened a letter from something called the Guter Rat für Rückverteilung, or the Good Council for Redistribution. “Guten Tag Ernestine!” the letter began. “How wealth is distributed across the country shapes how we live together and influences how well a democratic society functions.”

The Good Council, the text went on, would comprise fifty Austrians selected by lottery—Erna was among ten thousand who made the first cut—and meet for six weekends to come up with proposals for how to address inequality in Austria, where the richest one per cent controls half of the country’s wealth. Additionally, the council would have twenty-five million euros to distribute as it saw fit, money provided by Marlene Engelhorn, who was described in the letter only as the council’s “Auftraggeberin,” or principal client. The letter emphasized that the council would make decisions “freely and without influence.” Those selected as members would also receive twelve hundred euros per weekend as compensation for their time and labor.

it continues on in the link.
i thought it an interesting article some thing possitive

its a long article but others might find it interesting. i need to re-read it again!
givewell is great i'll investigate that further.

but it seems like the goal was about bring some balance to the wealth in that spesific contry. certainly an interesting experement.
if it was publicity i'd expect a wider news article disemination. i only spotted it as it came through a firefox feed.
while the person giving the money away, will have to work / get a job, thats optional i think. and they wont be with out money forever.
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