how to i vertically align a table to centre? (html)

20 Oct 2002
I'm a bit new at web coding, but i reckon i have a good eye for design etc. Any way, i'm doing a basic home page with a table of 5 rows which is set to about 40% width and 50% height, so quite minimalistic etc.

Any way, i want to set it so that it 'anchors' to the middle of my web browser, when changing the size of the browser window, or changing the resolution.

Can someone lay this out in layman's terms for me? Thanks!

using dreamweaver 8 btw.
thanks for the reply. I have to confess though, i'm really not very good at the coding side of things and i don't actually think i can get my head around what i'm supposed to do here.

I'm supposed to create a new table...and put my existing table inside it?
i dont normally go into these threads, but i've got nothing else to do, and i'm not tired, so:

am i reading correctly and you're using tables for a website layout? visit the w3schools to learn about CSS for website layout. much nicer :)
i'm no good at coding. The site i'm designing is for a bar/restaurant and probably only needs to be about 6-10 pages altogether. The owner kind of wants something sleek, and has certainly hinted that he likes a little bit of flashy stuff. Here's a link to a site he quite likes (which apparently cost a lot to make!)

i think we both like the 'boxy' type design. Ie a box within a page. How would i go about creating a similar-ish type of page to that? Is that html with a bit of flash and javascript? Would you see someone fairly inexperienced, but armed with an eye for detail and a copy of macromedia studio might be able to pull something reasonably close to that off?

Many thanks
i can see why that cost a lot of money. some lovely photography in there and a very nice design. to be honest, for a first website, it's going to take a lot to beat that if you've got no knowledge of flash/html/javascript/css but it is possible. it depends on the direction he wants to go in with the new site :)
blade007 said:
some design dude has thought about that site

very nice apart from the music

Sic said:
i can see why that cost a lot of money. some lovely photography in there and a very nice design. to be honest, for a first website, it's going to take a lot to beat that if you've got no knowledge of flash/html/javascript/css but it is possible. it depends on the direction he wants to go in with the new site :)

Im having trouble seeing why that site is so great. It doesnt validate for anything really.. it uses a lot of images with no alternate text.. the links offer little affordance.. its an accessibility nightmare..
ignore the lack of alt tags, and other accessibility problems and you have a great-looking, appropriate site. as blade said, the only annoying thing is the music, which you can switch off anyway!

accessiblity is something that can be tweaked to be correct anyway...the difficult thing to attain is the look and feel of the site. i think some people tend to forget that on these forums.
To be honest, i dont mind if people share my view. But ultimately, accessibility should be a consideration from the ground up of a website. Why cut off potential customers because you dont want to add a few extra elements to your site. As for creating valid documents this helps to ensure cross-platform/browser compatability. You can ignore these things as a web designer, but you shouldnt!
dont get me wrong, i totally agree that it's unacceptable that it's been omitted; but valid/accessible markup is something that [should be] done as you go along. seeing as the OP is just starting to learn, beating this site may be a little out of his league. foregoing all of the validity/accessibility issues, i'd be surprised if you denied that it's a nice-looking site.
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