How to make a old dog look good

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10 Sep 2005
Hi all, been having a look through this forum looking at various photos that have been posted & decided to post a few of my own from a few years back when I had my own bodyshop.

I painted a sunbeam tiger for a bloke, as you can see from the photos to say " bodywork needs attention " would have been the understatement of the year ;) .

most of the paint had allready been stripped off along with all the filler from previous work which mean't a lot of the original shape had been lost, despite looking so bad there was actually very little rust in it as new sections of wing had been welded in - all I had to do was flat nearly everything back to metal, filler over the welding & get the original shape of the panels back ( easier said then done ).
The car then had about 4 coats of two pack primer, left to dry for a number of days then another lot of work flatting the primer down ready for basecoat.
The silver was then applied , left to dry & measured / lined out & masked up.
The blue was then applied then the silver was unmasked & then the whole car was 2 pack laquered.

As easy as that

This car must have taken over 160 hours to complete :mad: and about 10 tubs of filler.
The silver stripes were a real pain in the ar*e to do.

Ok have a look at the pictures & guess how much I charged him ( you wont believe it )

Yup - it's a dog

Bare metal

You can't have too much filler

Looks better in primer

Painted & looking good

another one painted


One more
Last edited:
Lovely looking restoration. Any pics of the finished article (with lights et-al), or is it still in progress?
No pictures of it complete, the guy who owned it was doing all the fitting up - should have gone round there & took a few really when it was all done.
Nice looking bit of work, if mine looks half as good I'll be well pleased :D

At the mo:


Mmmm shiny bits:

Take your time with it Jonny & you'll be fine, the hardest part is staying motivated when you feel like you'll never get it finished - good luck.
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