How to make High-Res textures?!??!

16 Dec 2005
Hey guys,
I am looking to get into game modding and I want to start out by making high-res skins for certain games. I have no idea how to actually texture a game, and I need somone to help me out by telling me what I need, how long etc. Is it possible to make a game like Far Cry high-res??? Because I would love to skin it, if this is not possible, can somone explain how to make high-res textures on normal games :confused:
Thank you very much
nO}{8 said:
if you wanted to reskin farcry then good luck, the mod support for that game is really bad, and theres already high res textures for it in the 64bit version. HL2 has already been done but is a good place to start as the community is great and very helpful. Have you got photoshop cs as youll definalty need it?

Also just try reskinning some gun models to start with, if you plan to redo an entire game it would be too big a task for anyone normal:)

Well, mainly, I don't really want to re skin, just make higher res! I have photoshop 7.0, so I'm good there, but does anyone know how to make higher res models?
Brilliant tips man :D Well, I've always wanted to start some modelling, so I guess I may start sometime in the next two weeks. Has anyone seen the Thief 3 texture pack? Over 500 high res skins made by 1 guy!
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