How to make Oblivion look better?

25 Jul 2005
Hi all, I just bought Oblivion and I'm finding it rather good. However it looks bloody awful once you get outside. Can anyone recommend some good mods or something to make it look better?
No way was I going to go all through that 100+ page thread to find it.:D
st00dent said:
Hi all, I just bought Oblivion and I'm finding it rather good. However it looks bloody awful once you get outside. Can anyone recommend some good mods or something to make it look better?
No way was I going to go all through that 100+ page thread to find it.:D

Bloody awful???

Turn the graphics up... mine looks absolutely stunning...

Please tell me this is a joke? :confused:
I get where he's coming from, the draw distance for radial flora is apalling even on maximum.
I let it auto detect the gfx settings and it said it was running on ultra high.
Any land which isnt very close just looks like a big green blurry blob.
I was pleased with my gfx apart from the reflection of the land in the water, it always looked really jaggedy even on high settings. I installed NaturalEnvironments or something, can't remember if it fixed that problem though :)
Yeah when I first got the game I didnt understand what all the fuss was about it looked dreadful (especcially on a big monitor).
But I downloaded all the textures upgrades and it looks a lot better now.
If you think oblivion looks awful, god help you.

But yeah, dont tweak it too much, I did... and I get 1fps max :) Looks kinda real though :D
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