How to make small programs?

28 Sep 2004
Devon, UK
Hi, Im intrested in how people make programs, is it C+ or something people use?

Any tutorials or info would be appreciated.

If you have never programmed before then I would suggest you start with VB.NET or C#.NET. You can get the Express Editions free from Microsoft. You may also want to take a look at Java as well.

Thirding C#. Visual C# Express Edition is absolutely cracking - especially given the price.

If you don't mind spending a little bit of money, you should definitely get the book Learning C# by Jesse Liberty. It's basically a general introduction to programming, using C# as the language.
I started from C and worked may way up, a very good way of going about things because you don't pick up bad habits or get lazy and can write fast efficient programs. C++, Java and C# are just natural extensions to the basics you will learn fom C.

Learning C first may provide some nightmares rpoblesm to begin with but you learn fast. This is the standard way of teaching programming at university.

What ever you do don't touch basic of any descption :shudder:
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