How to Overclock...

11 Jun 2003
Hey fellas,
Back in the day, before my new upgrade, I was running a Barto 2800+ on an Abit nf7-s v2.0 with a tic tac modded bios, I loved overclocking, and spent a lot of time hammering the crap out of my machine.

With the arrival of my new rig, and regardless of some googling, I'm finding it very hard to work out how is best to actually go about overclockig my new rig.

Athalon 3800+ Dual Core (stock cooler)
A8R32-MVP Deluxe (latest bios)
2x1gb g.skill ZX pc3200+ CAS2
Sapphire Radeon x1900XT
Hiper Type-R 580w
Lian-Li PC-7 PLUS

I've posted another thread with a couple of questions, but I've seen very little help. So could you fellas inform as to how I should go about overclocking my rig.

Ant :cool:
ok well u will want to change that stock cooler as ure dual core will get very hot very fast whilst overclocking.

also remember to lock ure pcie bus to the 100mhz or u being silly.

1) u will want to lower the HTT or LTD cant remember exact name depends on board, which will either be 1000(or 5x) in cpu config in bios somewhere.
a better value of 800(4x) or 600(3x) for when u get over 250mhz.

2) u lower this then u push ure ram as far as it will go, test with memtest for couple hours when u are trying to check its stable. up the voltage to whatever u feel happy to run at generally accepted for 2.6-2.7 volts.

3) once u know how far the ram will go u can set it to a divider so it will stay at around that speed stock is 1:1 (cpu : ram) lots of options generally lowering in value. so then raise the fsb and see that thing fly, test BOTH cores with instances of prime for finally stability run 8-24 hrs. increase the voltage on the core to make it stable couple of .1 volts should do then push a bit further.

4) u can then lower the divider on the ram if this is ure problem or leave it be.

hope this helps a bit.
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