How to pull out a screw that has "screwed" head

its on akasa 120mm amber fan which is mounted on hdd rack
even if i cut it what do i get - it'll be even more difficult to get out


,tried that,couldnt get it out by myself
Raffi said:
its on akasa 120mm amber fan which is mounted on hdd rack
even if i cut it what do i get - it'll be even more difficult to get out


,tried that,couldnt get it out by myself

It is one of the long ones at the corners of the fan?

If so can't you get pliers round the middle of the screw?

A pic would help I agree
There are a few ways to remove bound/sheared screws.

Firstly, try and cut a groove in the head with a hacksaw or dremel-type cutting disc, and get a flat head on it.

Failing this get a pair of mole-grips (uber-pliers) and get them as tight as you possibly can around the head then spin it out.

Then we bring out the big guns:

Drilling: You can drill off the head (or grind it off) inorder to seperate the surfaces being screwed together. This is good if you don't want to use the screw hole again.

Pulling: once you've drilled/ground the head off, you take care to drill a small hole down the centre of the screw. You can purchase 'taps' (which cut screw threads in metal) which are threaded backwards ('pullers') you basically screw one of these down the hole you've drilled until it bites then keep turning and it'll unscrew the screw shank.

We use these methods on aricraft (nearly all the screws are buggered after a few hours flying in icing conditions) and I can testify to the effectiveness of them. The drilling/pulling method takes much less time that it seems, and once you've done it once it's simple to repeat.

Good luck!
i did the same with a hard drive on my HDD cage and got it out using small electronic cutter pliers (dunno the exact name for them) however the chances are you wont be able to use the screwhole again as it will be threaded from all your messing about. As my dad always said, have patience and take it slowly when screwing, never screw too tight, get 'the feel'.
mikebert4 said:
Pulling: once you've drilled/ground the head off, you take care to drill a small hole down the centre of the screw. You can purchase 'taps' (which cut screw threads in metal) which are threaded backwards ('pullers') you basically screw one of these down the hole you've drilled until it bites then keep turning and it'll unscrew the screw shank.

Good luck!

They are called Screw-Extractors. They look like this. We use them a lot. Are fantastic little inventions. Saves a lot of swearing and scraping knuckles.
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