how to reject incoming call when iphone is locked

19 Jan 2006
London, UK
I have noticed that when I receive a call when the iphone is locked there is no option on screen to reject it. Is there a way to reject this incoming call?

Press the on/off button on the top. It simply mutes the call and stops the vibration. It's as good as!
i think you can also press the DOWN volume button to silence the call aswell.

nice info on the press power button twice to go to voicemail :)
so pressing down on the volume and the power button once just silences the ringtone, and pressing the power button twice rejects the call? Is this right?
I find it weird that there isn't an easier way of rejecting a call. I guess they didn't want to do it so that it was not easy to accidently reject a call.
Whats easier than pressing a button?

Well its double tapping a button isn't it, I agree I am being pernickety but I just think that a phone should have options of accepting and rejecting calls, both of which are as easy as each other to do.

I guess the reason why they didn't offer the reject option when phone is locked is because the slider and only go one way, so obviously they kept that for accepting the call.

Sorry, just me being extra lol. I'll get used to this double tapping the power button.
Well its double tapping a button isn't it, I agree I am being pernickety but I just think that a phone should have options of accepting and rejecting calls, both of which are as easy as each other to do.

I guess the reason why they didn't offer the reject option when phone is locked is because the slider and only go one way, so obviously they kept that for accepting the call.

Sorry, just me being extra lol. I'll get used to this double tapping the power button.

Haha, you're just lazy!
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