how to reset bootloader

11 Jun 2003
The Shadows (london)
I installed ubuntu to an external drive and now when the drive isn't present at boot I can't access windows without hitting f12 in time...

I'm using a USB/HDMI switch and it doesn't always register quick enough if I need the kb at boot and I don't think I'm going to keep the ubuntu installation... whats the best way to get windows back as the default/only os?

thanks in advance
Click on Start. Then Click Run.
Type in "msconfig", not including the quotes. Press enter.
In the system configuration box, click on "Boot".
Click on the Windows entry and set it as default. Delete any other OS entries. Then click ok.
thanks, I totally forgot about MSConfig
I've had a look and can only see Windows 10 and its default.
I've wiped the external disk ubuntu was on.... not sure if that had to be present when I tried MSConfig?
there's a blast from the past... haven't used this app since the XP days
EasyBCD also only sees one OS option.
I think I might need to poke about in my bios and see what's happening there.
if I don't hit f12 fast enough it just boots to some command line
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