How to restore folders from the trash in dos???

18 Oct 2002
Newcastle, England
Can anyone tell me how to restore folders deleted from windows, and are now in the trashcan.

If I could do this it would help me get my windows back up and running.
Thanks mate, I deleted the files from the root dir of c:

Anyone know the dos commands to copy these files back to thr root??
if you want to copy all cant you just do:

copy *.* (when you're in the recycle bin) c:\
or move *.* to move them all.

not sure if that copies directories as well tho.
Not sure if it will be possible as the folders in recycler are named like this: S-1-5-21-1788644086-1362070822-2204041358-1006

I am not sure if it can be opened in DOS.

If I do a DIR under recycler in Windows it says there is nothing in there. I think you might be out of luck.

EDIT: You will need to use the /A switch and then you can view the files. You may be ok then. :)

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Thanks for the help all, I really apreciate it. In the end though it proved just to much hassle and I had to re-format, I dont know what happened, but even a re-install wouldnt fix it, a full reformat was the key.
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