How to run Pihole and other on windows ?

29 Dec 2012
Hi guys

I had a question I was wondering how I could run Pi-hole and other useful software on a Windows 10 micro server.

may as well get the most out of it.
Thanks, would running VMware use a lot of resource also would it become a bit complicated doing it via VM ?
Install the hyper v role and run it as a VM, ive got it running on a win10 machine and you'd never know it was there.

resource wise, any desktop vm solution is pretty minimum, so which ever takes your fancy, personally these days I seem to have lost a lot of love for VMware but that's mainly due to work than home lab stuff :)
Thanks, Ill install it once i get some time, after installing hyper v which OS should install pi os ?

I may some help using linux I dont know how to install and setup things on linux.
So you need to install Linux OS first, which one is entirely up to you. Ubuntu Server is pretty solid, install it and you will be on a terminal session. Then you need to do the pi hole install.
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