How to scan Mum's old colour transparencies

7 Mar 2005
So Mum found a box of some of her old colour transparancies and has asked me to find out if it possible to digitize them so she can get some made onto a large canvas frame. I know there are scanners that can scan negatives but I don't know about colour negatives. Do you need special/expensive equipment for that?
Ideally, you want a scanner that has a separate lightsource for scanning negs or slides, so it shines light through the neg / slide. Most scanners just have the light source on the same side of whatever is being scanned as the sensor.
Any particular scanner you can recommend for that? :)
How large a canvas do you want?
Not sure, it's just an idea Mum had last night. I've been thinking of getting a Canon LiDE 210 scanner for a while and I thought it best to see if that would do the job for us. My uncle has worked in publishing/printing before so he'll probably be able to help us.

That scanner is not a dedicated film scanner so only has a platen light source, wont hold film properly and you'd had to stick the bare film onto the platen. I wouldn't use it to scan film (definitely not slides) tbh

For that sort of money you'd be better off with the Epson V370 which has a transparancy unit, slide and film holders and is still under £100.

Don't expect miracles from any flatbed scanner though..
I was just wondering if a flatbed scanner would do the job for us. There's no point buying a scanner for this job, that much is obvious. As I said my uncle might be able to help or we can send the slides off to be professionally scanned as you suggested earlier. :)
Professional scanning for me is only really an option if you have a small number of negatives of real value if you are just talking about bulk scanning your mums old holiday snaps then your much better of (financially not time wise!) buying a scanner and doing it yourself! I have a V500 from Epson that I got for exactly this reason and I could sell it on for a very small loss as they are popular.

I'd go the flat bed option then see if there are any you particularly want really large enlargements of then you could just sent specific negatives to a pro shop
Yeah, we only have a few slides so its not worth us spending money for so little to be scanned.

why not use professional services to scan to get best possible quality ?

or even good old snappy snapps

especially if you do not have a dedicated scanner or one that scans negatives
Will give UKFilmLab a read over later. :) Thanks for the name.
How many negs is there?, if its only a few you can send them to me for the price of postage and i'll scan them and drop box you the images :)
Not negatives, transparencies. A few. Perhaps 10-12. :) I'll mention it to Mum later. Uncle might be able to help us as well.

If it's only a few then ignore me! Usually when these threads rock up it's because someone has been given a giant box to go through and the cost involved in scanning a few thousand bang average holiday snaps isn't worth it!
Haha, will do. :D
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