How to see further with a 70-300mm

Any ideas on how to increase the Zoom/distance on taking long range pics with a 70-300mm lens?

Get closer to your subject, crop image, if it is Nikon lens then buy a Nikon V1 camera, up-rez the photo with something like Genuine Fractals, invent a ray gun to make the subject bigger.

A tele-converter wont work on the 70-300 (if you have are on Nikon then the Nikon TC wont even mount) and will be a very bad idea even if you hack one to work and manually focus etc.

Your best bet is to save money and buy a new lens.
Or if your lottery numbers havn't come up a second hand sigma 100-300 plus 1.4 tele will give 420 at 5.6, or a non is canon 300 f4 plus 1.4 tele converter. Or look out for second hand sigmas 150-500, just remember no IS/OS then a tripod is a must.

Also any teleconverter will decrease image quality depending on lens.
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