How to sell coins, notes, stamps collection

24 Jun 2021
Ages back my mum gave me a tin full of coins, mostly what my economist uncle had collected on his travels, and some notes and stamps too. The expectation being that I would identify it all.

I did identify the coins and notes, and made a spreadsheet.

I put everything into suitable protective cases. I spent quite a bit of time and money doing that, and bought a few books too.


I'm currently unemployed so I want to extract some value from this collection, and tbh having a collection I didn't even really want to begin with is starting to annoy me, especially as I might have lost money on it.

The problem is I have no idea how to go about doing this. I tried contacting a local shop but the guy wasn't interested, presumably there are many low-value collections like this and it's not worth a pro's time to go through it all.

If there are any collectors here I'd appreciate some advice on what to do.
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I did sonething similar a while ago. I took photos of every page of notes, uploaded them, and sent the link to different collectors i found online. Then i asked for quotes and went to the highest one.
Just look for a nearby coin / stamp shop, take them in for appraisal. Accept or decline offer of purchase.

Shouldn't be too hard to find one close to you and IMO this sort of thing is much better done as a deal in a specialist shop than online.
Given you've identified the coins/notes, i'd suggest just googling them to find others for sale and then trying to determine value. As you say, many dealers might have little interest as there are so many collections which are ultimately worthless beyond sentimental value and the time requirement to check everything is huge.

Once you'd got a shortlist of anything which may hold value, you can then go to dealers with a smaller list to gauge interest/pick dealers interested in specific items.
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