how to start a workflow tracker? PHP mySQL

7 Jan 2007
Sussex, UK
Essentially the company I work for still uses word documents for projects and an excel log book as a project tracker.

As a proof in concept I want to start to mock up something using mysql as the DB, php and javascript.

I have some experience of these three in the past, what I have no experience in is creating a login system and subsequent approval levels for each stage and then tying up each initiator and approver for each stage... so its something like this:

Craptakular permissions for stage 1, Stage 3,4,5.

Designer Guy permissions for Stage 2 only.

Craptakular selects Designer Guy as the designer and "sends" to him so he can complete Section 2.

Designer Guy completes Section 2 and sends back to Craptakular to complete for Stage 3 Approval.

hhmmm this is going to be complicated... I just realised I would need to create a portal system for each user as they would need to see there pending workflow/actions.

gah, I am making no sense...
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