How to stop foreign language redirects & auto translations

1 Sep 2010
Bristol, South West
So since travelling abroad I've had a multitude of annoying days where websites auto redirect me to the Thai/Chinese versions when I'm in that country. Extremely annoying... Both languages may as well be hieroglyphics to me.

This doesn't happen on all websites and not all the time but it's super annoying when it does. Doesn't matter if I type in a .com or address.

-Chrome is set to English, on both phone and laptop. I've even left the timezone to the UK on my laptop.
-Both phone and laptop came from the UK.
-My accounts are always registered to UK Google, Microsoft and everything.

I don't know what else I can do to tell my phone/laptop I'm from the UK and speak English only... Any ideas? Maybe I'm missing a very basic setting somewhere?

Thanks in advance for any insight guys!
I should mention even something like Facebook is a huge offender for me, due to the fact that many accounts I have I use FB to login with (some forums, a sticky note app, many others).

I type in the .com address for FB and everything is loaded in Thai, and the http address at the top even remains the .com address so it's not like this one has even redirected.
Use a vpn?
Far as I know you can tell chrome
To show English results
Where possible but not force it to
Only show all English

Yeah I often do this on my phone but a UK vpn when your're in Asia reduced your say 100mbps connection to like 1mbps.

The setting your talking about sounds right on the money though... Perhaps that will tell Google Chrome I don't want a translation to Thai.
This is exactly the way I can tell google simply not to translate into Thai/chinese/wherever I am... I can't find the settings though. As mentioned everything is set to UK, language - Prefferrred Enlgish. Yet I still get re-directed to translated pages from english to thai.
ive even got location set to ask before acessing so they shouldnt be able to access my location. An ip address is pretty accurate isnt it? Isnt that the same as "sharing your location" anyway?
Use a country closer than uk
For the vpn
What's the closest English speaking
Country to where you are
Yes ip can be geo located
That's why vpn works
nearest to thailand... god knows... Any native speaking country I can think of is miles away. Austrailia I guess is the closet to Thailand :(
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