How to tell between a dead CPU or a dead Mobo?

16 Oct 2005

Ive built a couple of PCs before and never had any problems. Except for this one.

Its a mishmash of components, but it was working fine a few months ago. I come back to it now, and it won't post... I get the OK lights on the motherboard, continuous fan on, but no post at all, and no beeps. I've tried running it with just the CPU and motherboard and vid card on apiece of cardboard, same symptoms. I've tried swapping the PSU, same symptoms. I've tried swapping the vid card, same symptoms. If it helps, I also noticed that pressing the caps lock key on the keyboard doesn't move the LED.

As the problem occurs with just the CPU, mobo, GPU, and PSU connected, and I know it isnt the GPU or PSU, then it must be the CPU or motherboard - but how can i tell which without components to swap?

the cpu is a barton 2500, motherboard abit nf7.

Thanks for reading this :)
I don't think its the battery - Ive heard of people booting it with dead batteries, but having to set their BIOS settings every time. I've tried resetting the CMOS switch - I really don't know what to do now...

I do have 4 systems lying around, but i only have one AthlonXP socket system
Just tried it without the CMOS battery - no joy, fans still spin, no output or beeps.

This is so frustrating - mainly because it was working fine not that long ago, and I'd already done the planning as to where/how the PC would be used - all the complicated stuff, and im stumped at the first hurdle of switching it on!

I really don't fancy buying a new processor AND motherboard...

So you guys think that any old PC shop would be able to test the components for me?

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