How to tell you've pulled one all-nighter too many

24 Feb 2004
A man waving a white cane before him and wearing a backapck was walking across the park, and I could see him from my window. In the background I could hear a rhythmical "beep... beep... beep...", so I naturally (:rolleyes: )assumed the cane and backpack were a metal detector and the beeping was the sound it was what was guiding him to the presence of metal. I stood and watched for the better part of a minute, with fuzzy thoughts like "but metal detectors aren't usually slender and white..." and "but why is he treasure-hunting in the middle of a very busy park?" trying to penetrate the fog of sleeplessness in my brain.
Then a big white shape passes in front of my window, and I realise that the rhythmical beeping was not a metal detector sound at all, but the siren of a reversing pick-up truck, and the man was blind and holding a white cane...
Could some kind soul mail me some coffee please? :(
I think I know the feeling, coffee not advised, I do however recomend a nice warm shower and jump into bed.
Went out friday night, got home at 09:00 Saturday morning, then went out Sat night (big clubbing night) and slept all day yesterday. The hollucinations go away after a good few ZzzZZ's :D
Ive been exactly the same this weekend :D Went out friday night got home 7am saturday morning, went out saturday night got home 5 in the morning then slept till 11 and went out again for a meal etc.

As you can imagine im very tired, last night I wasnt myself, i was just day dreaming...
Gee, thanks guys! I was actually up all night working, but it's very comforting to hear that everyone else on the forum was on a bout of drunkenness and debauchery! :D
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