How to Use a PS4 DualShock 4 Controller on a PC

16 Feb 2014
North West England

Not sure if anyone was aware as I've only just found out about this , but the software actually tricks your pc into thinking an xbox 360 controller is plugged in ! And it also allows you to utilise the track pad on the ds4 as you would on a laptop to control the cursor :)
I'm using the software from the link in the op , and so far I've tried crysis 3, splinter cell, tomb raider and rage, not had to touch a thing it's already done , as said other then the track pad the layout is the same , and that software tells your pc your using a 360 controller :)
Yeah just played Mortal Kombat X with it and didn't need to remap anything, guess it is only titles that don't support the 360 controller that you have to remap. Even found a neat little mod that changes the button prompts to the PS ones which is handy in a game that involves combos.

Ah cool was it hard to apply that mod ? Do you have to do that for each game for it to work ?
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