How to

2 Oct 2004
N.W London
Hi guys,

Need some advice please...

I volunteer for a charity and they have asked me to research how they would be able to email 6000 contacts a newsletter each month? and the cheapest way of going about this?

I wonder if anyone has does anything similar and if yes, if they could suggest bang for buck hosting companies who could cater for this? as well as a "free script" I could it either php or cgi ....

Like always thanks for all help and advice I receive

Thanks in advance

Have a play with the Gods.

Personally I use my forums as the mailing list. I mass-mail all registered users with a link to the newsletter. I might look into this Google Groups option, also.
Ok, had a play with Google Groups and it looks like it will be perfect for what you want to do. Fairly easy to set up, also, and easy to manage. Oh, and it's FREE. :)
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