How to..

8 May 2014
Helsinki, Finland.
.. make a file server?

In my other room I have my miner which I am thinking about shutting down for good, my main desktop(gaming rig) does not have a good motherboard in terms of storage capabilities, it only got 2 sata3 6gb/s slots, the rest well they are sata3 ports they are just really slow.

The miner has a motherboard with 7 sata3 6gb/s ports, so now I wanna transform it into a file server, what do I need make this happen?

Every answer is a helpful answer!!
7870 xfire would be a crying shame in a file server though. I'd sell off extras like that and full the car with storage then as above either free nas or Linux os with a file share.

No no trust me I'm not "that" mad. I will sell them or use them myself or give them to someone, like my brother or save them for future builds.

Mm thanks for the reply though, have to think about this a bit.
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