How would I do this?

2 Oct 2004
N.W London

Website n00b here....need some expert advice please...

Ok as you know well some of you I volunteer for a charity...

They have asked me to research setting up a newsletter on the web which they can email all their sponsors and donors once a quarterly or once a month to advise them of how their money is being spent etc etc....

They already have a website, which supports php, mysql and they have a list of 300 - 400 contacts of course all email addresses....

How would we set this up? whats the easiest way?

Ideally it would be great if we could create 1 newsletter and click send or do the necessary so all contacts recieve the newsletter...

All ideas and help would be most appreciated..

Thanks in advance for any replies I recieve

well its lucky you asked how they organise their data...

well they dont at the moment....

they have divided all their contacts based on certain critieria in notepad files...

yep thats loads of notepad files containing emailing addresses...

so how would it be best for me to help them sort this mess out?

Apparently they cannot email 300 - 400 accounts at once with AOL as they get classed as a spammer or something...

I thought I could upload them all in some format to their webserver and use a php script or something similar to help achieve this task?

What do you think?

I dont know how best to go about it therefore I would really really appreciate all ideas and help

now we

mysql ---> database
php --> send out emails...

I have no knowledge or have I ever worked with mysql, I know 1% of php...

so therefore now we have come to the decision mysql and php would be the best way to do this, does anyone know where I can get scripts which I can use to do this for me?

I realise I will have to input each email address but hey you cant win them all...

all advise on acquiring mysql and php scripts to help me achieve this task would be mostly appreciated....i would be eternally grateful

thanks in advance

blade you would be doing the charity a great service my friend if you could help me out on this......words cant describe how much of a help this would be if you delivered....

look forward to hearing from you shortly...

thanks joeyjoe appreciate your input my friend...will read up on that link whilst I wait for blade...

Cheers guys you both rock :)
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