Howdy - It's been a long time

27 Oct 2006
Guys guys guys...

How have u all been ? I've been away for a few years slacking :rolleyes:

Someone fill me in ?

Has the shady got a proper place yet ?

Is Biffa still woeing his opterons ?

See rich99 is still around and a BIG hi to all the new recruits to the finest team in the world
Berserker said:
Correct. All sorted now.

PHEW ! - Thankyou ! I have to be careful what I say !

Whats happened to this place ? It's become almost like a regime : One sneeze and you're banned ?

Anyway hi to you all : And anyone 6-10 places above had better watch out cos I just put stomping boots on and will be getting my reserves out soon if needs be :D
Berserker said:
Nope, it's just that we explicitly forbid duplicate accounts. Most of the time they're used because someone has been naughty and either lost their account or lost access to forums, and is thus trying to evade their ban. That wasn't true in your case but checks had to be made nonetheless.

Hope you understand.

No worries boss give my best regards to all those involved too.


<edit> LOL @ joey anyone know if there are boinc combined sigs ?
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