
12 Jan 2011
Birkenhead, Liverpool.
Hello there!

I'm Pete, and have been into PCs for like about 8-9 months now. It all started once upon a time when my archaic PC (had it for 3 years without knowing how to upgrade) totally ****ed up on me, and I gave it to my cousin to repair. He took ****ing 6 months! I was curious if he was actually doing anything to the PC within the 6 months. After a close friend taught me the basics of building a PC, I used the OCUK forums a lot to learn about overclocking, and many other little tidbits of knowledge I managed to pick up from this site. Definitely one of the best PC forums i've seen. I found out a week after starting to build PCs that all my cousin had to do was switch the PSU, as you know which is a 5 second job. Kinda made me a little annoyed that he took 6 months to switch one component, although I am grateful that he did it at all. Nowadays i'm just constantly lurking here to soak up all the knowledge I can, since i'd maybe like a job within IT. Sucks having no qualifications in IT whatsoever.

Hope this didn't take up too much of your time.
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