I have a dc7700 and looking at upgrading it a bit from it's current spec. After I've upgraded the hard drives and RAM, I'd like a better GFX card.
The spec of the PC says the following for expansion slow:
So what kind of GFX card can I get? I suspect there is hardly any room for a big 'un.
Any ideas?
I have a dc7700 and looking at upgrading it a bit from it's current spec. After I've upgraded the hard drives and RAM, I'd like a better GFX card.
The spec of the PC says the following for expansion slow:
2 low-profile PCI, 1 low-profile PCI Express x1, 1 low-profile PCI Express x16, 2 full-height PCI available via optional riser card, HP 16-in-1 Media Reader
So what kind of GFX card can I get? I suspect there is hardly any room for a big 'un.
Any ideas?